
Read the following sentences and questions carefully. Are they "correct" (C) or
"incorrect" (I)? Write C or I in the blanks.
1. What's the quicker way to get to San Salvador?

2. Driving is more boring than going by train.
3. This boat is as fast than your bike.
4. Traveling to Sweden was the most exciting trip that I have ever taken!
5. I'm not as taller as my brother.
7. Generally, women are carefuler than men.
8. You are the best friends that I have ever had!
9. My brother is older me.

6. The worse time of the day to drive by "Monseñor Romero" is between 7:00
and 8:30 a.m.

10. People say Rio de Janeiro is always hoter than Buenos Aires.
11. Toñito lives more far from the school than I do.
12. You are one of the most amazing classes I have ever had!