Complete the story about Shoichi Yokoi, the Japanese soldier who never surrendered. Use the Past Perfect or Past Simple of the verbs in brackets. 5. (already/end), and Neil Armstrong 2). World War II 1) (already/set) foot on the Moon, yet, for a Japanese soldier the war 3) On 26th January 1972, The Times reported: "A Japanese soldier who 4)__ orders never to surrender was captured yesterday after 28 years of hiding." Sergeant Shoichi Yokoi, now aged 56, (set) a trap for fish when two hunters found him in the woods. He was wearing trousers (make) from tree bark. He knew how to do this because he (be) a tailor when he 8)_ (join) the army in 1941. By the time (eat) nuts, breadfruit, shrimps, snails, rats and frogs. He (never/hear) of the atomic bomb or the television. After the doctors (examine) him, he was brought back home on an aircraft which also (carry) the ashes of his two comrades who 13). (die) of starvation. 5L and a jacket he 6) 7) he was found, he 9) 10) 12) When he 14)_ (arrive) home, 5000 people 15)_ (already/gather) at the airport to express their admiration for a soldier who still 16). (possess) the spirit of Japan. He was ashamed that he 17). Emperor during the war and he was also shocked that the media 18)_ His Majesty like an ordinary person. He 19)__ as he 20) (consider) them too noisy. He 21). (be). reminded what the code of honour 22)_ (never/end). (remain) faithful to his .(not/be) able to serve the (start) to treat (refuse) to read the newspapers or to watch television (touch) millions of Japanese who were 81 (Urgent!!!!!!!)