
THE BEST OF WEEKENDS? REALLY TIT Wow! This probably is going to be the worst weekend of the year !!. We are leaving next Monday to go on holidays in Spain, and we all have been so busy with work lately that the house is in a poor state. Imagine my husband Bobby keeps asking : « Helen, dear, where can I find a clean shirt? ». I haven't set a foot in the children's bedrooms for weeks and Kate and Mark are basic teenagers !!. So the programme is going to be very busy .I'll ask Bobby to mow the lawn, look after the flower beds, clean the windows, clean the bathroom and toilets, wash the car and oh yes and there is that board from garden shed to fix. The kids will have to tidy and clean their bedrooms, take all their rubbish away, change their beddings, and have a go at the washing machine, I'm not sure they know how it works !!!. They will vacuum all the rooms upstairs and I for myself will vacuum the living-room, mop all the tile floors. I mustn't forget to dust all the furniture, water the plants heavily to endure a three week absence. I have to change the cat's litter, poor Fluffy !!!:(((. I hope they will all give me a hand with the washings, ironing clothes, setting and clearing the table, doing the cooking, doing the washing up and packing our suitcases !!!. Oh I haven't started yet and I am exhausted already!!

2.Underline all the names of household chores and translate them in your own language.

3.What about you,who does what in your family.
Write a small text, using frequency adverbs.

EX: I always set the table,etc

repede!va rogg!!dau coroana!
fast!please!!i give the crown!