
✰✰✰ Megan got the job as a children's party organiser. Complete the phone conversation with the words in the list.

hire | theme | deposit | organise invitations | room | food | guests

MUM Hello, Megan. How's the job going? MEGAN I'm working on a party for a boy who's going to be five in two weeks' time. MUM What have you got to do?
MEGAN Well, it's in the community centre, so I have to get permission. Then we choose a____ - Spider-Man or something - and I find out what ___ the kids want. Pizzas, probably! Do you have to____a cake?
MEGAN Yes. And the parents draw up a list of____all the boy's friends - and I send ____
MUM And entertainment?
MEGAN Yes, they want to____I have to pay a ____-
MUM It sounds like a lot of work.
MEGAN Yes, it is. But I love it. I enjoy decorating the____ ,but the best part is seeing the kids having fun.​