1. He asked me if I could take a photo.
2. Joanne asked me where I bought that dress.
3. He asked where is the IT department.
4. When are you leaving asked me Denny.
5. Linda asked her teacher when she will give them the results.
6. Mom asked here how often does she look at her phone.
7. Ashley asked me who am I going to ball with.
8. He asked me how many people have I invited to the part.
9. John asked him where should they put the new equipment.
10. He asked dad is he going to the U.S.?
11. Mom wanted to know when he will start behaving.
12. The stranger asked me if I speak Chineese.
13. Mary wanted to know what have I done with my hair.
14. I asked the teacher if I could go to the restroom.
15. Andy wantedd to know if my mom made the wedding dress.
16. Tessa asked me if I have ever driven a motor scooter.