
THE FOX AND THE WOODCUTTER ● Some hunters were chasing a fox. The fox saw a woodcutter and asked him for help. "Please hide me, kind woodcutter," the fox said. The woodcutter told the fox to go into his house. Soon the hunters came. They asked the woodcutter, "Did you see a fox? The woodcutter said, "No," but pointed to his house. The hunters didn't know why the woodcutter pointed and they went away. After a while the fox came out of the house. The fox did not say Thank you." The woodcutter got angry at the fox and asked "Why don't you say thank you? I wanted to thank you, the fox said. "But i saw you signal to the hunters. You words did not match your actions. MORAL: You should act and speak the same - kindly
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vulpea si taietorul de lemne
cativa vanatori fugareau o vulpe.Vulpea a vazut un taietor de lemne si i a cerut ajutor “Te rog ascunde ma,bunule taietor de lemne”a zis vulpea.Taietorul de lemne i a zis vulpii sa se duca in casa lui.Dupa putin timp vanatorii au sosit.Ei au intrebat taietorul de lemne,”Ai vazut o vulpe?”Taietorul de lemne a zis”nu”dar a aratat spre casa lui.Vanatorii nu au inteles de ce taietorul de lemne a aratat si au plecat.Dupa ceva timp vulpea a iesit din casa.Vulpea nu a multumit.Tăietorului de lemne s a enervat pe vulpe si a intrebat o”De ce nu zici multumesc?””Am vrut sa iti multumesc,a zis vulpea,dar am vazut semnul pe care l ai facut spre vanatori.Cuvintele tale nu s au sincronizat cu acțiunile tale.
Morala:Ar trebui sa te comporți si sa vorbesti la fel