24 There are red spots all over her body. covered Her body 25 I like the new gym I'm going to. pleased red spots. the new gym I'm going to. 26 Could you tell me how to make a really good curry? recipe Could you give me a really good curry? (2 marks per answer) D Complete using the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 27 If I'm still ill tomorrow, I 28 If I was your doctor, I 29 It. 30 If you 31 If you 32 If he what was wrong with him. (miss) the chemistry test! (tell) you to stop worrying! (be) awful if any of us had become ill on holiday. (go) to the chemist's, can you get me some vitamin pills? (not have) a healthy diet, you get tired easily. (not / do) some research on the Internet, he wouldn't have found out 33 It would be great if everyone in the world 34 If you see the doctor, (have) enough to eat. (ask) her when you can go back to school! E Complete using the words in the box. (1 mark per answer) addition ⚫ balance exercise fight injury operation shape ⚫ treatment Help yourself to stay healthy Doctors are useful. If you've had a/an (35) ......... If you're ill, they can tell you what the best (36) have to have a/an (37) .. while doing sport, they can fix it. is. If you're very ill, you might ............... hospital. We need doctors for all of these things. .... to what doctors do, there are things that you can do yourself in against ill health. Getting regular (40) But in (38) ............ the (39)............. school or at a gym will help you to stay in (41) ........... also keep you strong. A healthy diet is all about (42) at Having a healthy diet will .......... It doesn't mean never eating chocolate. It means not eating too much. And eating vegetables, too! The more we can look after ourselves, the less we'll need doctors to look after us. And that must be good!