
de scris un rezumat unei povești din România și să o transcriem în Engleză. Va rog dau coroana, nu contează ce poveste atâta timp cât este rezumat și în Engleză ​

Răspuns :

“Povestea lui Harap Alb” is a classic Romanian story about the adventures of a young prince, Harap Alb, who leaves his kingdom to learn lessons about maturity and responsibility. He travels through the magical world, encountering fantastical creatures and facing challenging trials. With the help of some unusual friends and wisdom gained during his journey, Harap Alb manages to overcome evil and return home as a strong and wise leader.
The unicorn - a never-ending story

Once upon a time, there was once a unicorn. I know, one hasn't been seen in a while, but they do exist and only wise men have eyes to see them!

Our unicorn was, and still is, beautiful like never before. And immortal – he didn't know when he was born, nor did he seem to age. In addition, he had something really special: his horn scattered magical glitter in all the colors of the rainbow, thus repairing everything it touched.

You'd think it was easy for him, but it wasn't nearly like that. Although the glitter was magical, our unicorn had a lot to learn about the things it was holding.

A long time ago he remembered that he had to learn enough about soldiers' armor. About wounds caused by arrows. About clay pots and iron weapons.

Then he had much to discuss about all the variety of tools and machinery that produced the necessaries around man's house.

He remembers how he magically struck a steeple of a church that was about to fall. Otherwise many storms, earthquakes and floods gave him work.

Nowadays he says that it is easier for him, because he has many and skilled helpers even among the people. They too can learn the magic of mending, healing, resettling!

But don't think that our character's life was all about continuous work and learning. He came from an old and respected family of engineers who helped keep things running smoothly and often spent time with his folks. In turn he founded his own home with a unicorn specializing in animal diseases.

In fact, my never-ending story is a short one, because even though we are immortal, this is our life: we learn and work forever, we love, we break, we mend.

We scatter magical glitter, sometimes needing others to throw it on us. We heal, we straighten, we learn. We work, we love, we value.

And I got on a saddle and told you my story. And yours!