
Traducere textul in engleza. Care ar fi beneficiile consumului de insecte? „Sunt un fel de mâncare original, cu multe proteine, minerale şi aminoacizi, astfel că are sens să le consumăm“

Un alt argument pro ar fi acela că insectele sunt mai ecologice decât animalele de fermă. Se hrănesc cu biomasă, produc mai puţine gaze, consumă mai puţină apă şi lasă în urmă mai puţine deşeuri decât acestea.

Ce fel de insecte pot fi mâncate?

Există în jur de 1.900 de specii de insecte care sunt în mod obişnuit folosite drept hrană, potrivit FAO. Cel mai comune sunt gândacii, omizile, albinele, viespile, furnicile, lăcustele, greierii, termitele, libelulele şi muştele.

În restaurantele din Marea Britanie pot fi găsite preparate pe bază de greieri, făină de viermi şi lăcuste.

Se poate începe cu preparate care încorporează făină de greiere, astfel încât meseanul să nu vadă efectiv insecta şi să se obişnuiască cu gustul şi cu ideea.

Până acum, pe piaţa britanică au apărut magazine şi restaurante care încorporează insectele sub formă de făină în alte feluri de mâncare tradiţionale precum pizza, paste sau chiar batoane de ciocolată

Răspuns :

What would be the benefits of insect consumption? It is an original dish with many proteins, minerals and amino acids, so it makes sense to consume them. "Another argument is that insects are more environmentally friendly than farm animals, feed on biomass, produce less gas, consume less water and leave less waste behind them What kind of insects can be eaten
What kind of insects can be eaten?

There are around 1,900 species of insects that are commonly used as food, according to the FAO. The most common are cockroaches, caterpillars, bees, wasps, ants, locusts, crickets, termites, dragonflies and flies.

The restaurants of the UK can be found on the basis of crickets, worm flour and grasshoppers.

It can begin with preparations incorporating cricket flour so that the meseanul not actually see the insect and
Translation of the text into English. What would be the benefits of insect consumption? "I am an original dish with many proteins, minerals and amino acids, so it makes sense to eat them"

Another reason for this is that insects are more environmentally friendly than farm animals. They feed on biomass, produce less gas, consume less water, and leave less waste behind them.

What kind of insects can be eaten?

There are about 1,900 species of insects that are commonly used as food, according to the FAO. The most common are beetles, caterpillars, bees, wasps, ants, locusts, crickets, termites, dragonflies and flies.

British cuisines can be found on the basis of crickets, worms and locusts.

It can be started with preparations that incorporate crushing flour, so that the meseman does not actually see the insect and become accustomed to taste and idea.

Until now, the British market has opened stores and restaurants that incorporate insects in the form of flour in other traditional dishes such as pizza, pasta or even chocolate bars