
The extinction of dinosaurus(essay)
O compunere despre dispariția dinozaurilor
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Răspuns :

The disappearance of the dinosaurs seems to have been caused by a meteorite of 10 km in diameter, which had collided with the Earth about 65 million years ago. When the meteorite hit the planet, it was covered by a cloud and giant dust care blocked the sunlight and so it was cold and dark for several months. With the disappearance of the plants, ruminant dinosaurs also died, and because of this the dinosaur carnivores also died, leaving no food.

During this time, many volcanoes burst into the surface of the Earth, and the gate exhaled into the air. Living on Earth has become increasingly difficult.

However, not all lives have disappeared 65 million years ago. Small animals such as lizards, snakes, birds or rats survived. Science takes into account the idea that a small percentage of dinosaurs survived this plane cataclysm and their total disappearance was a slow process.

After the latest research, it is believed that the asteroid meets the Earth near Mexico, where in the northeast of Chicxulub there is a huge underground crater with a diameter of 200 km. The crater is called the Chicxulub Crater.

According to the "Extinction of Dinosaurs" study, published in the July 28, 2014 revision of the biological revisions [1], the disappearance of dinosaurs was the result of a set of causes that led to the collapse of the food chain. These include increased volcanic activity, altered sea level and temperature variations, followed by the cataclysm of asteroid events (earthquake, tsunami, vegetation fires, temperature changes and other climatic changes)

P.s:sper sa fie tradus bine daca nu intelegi vreu cuvant imi scri inapoi