
Traduceti in engleza:

In opinia mea, consider ca scoala ar putea lua urmatoarele masuri de imbunatatire, mai ales la nivel liceal:
- marirea burselor si oferirea de opurtunitati noi pentru elevi;
- pregatire intensa pentru examenele care vor fi sustinute;
- activitati extrascolare in locuri care ii pot invata pe elevi despre istorie, despre antichitate;
- contribuirea dirigintiilor in formarea lor ca adolescenti sau oameni maturi;
- de a se da sanse ca copii sa-si descopere talentele etc.

Răspuns :

In my opinion, I consider that school could take the next measures of improvement, especially at high school level:

- increasing scholarships and offering new opportunities for the students;

- intense training for exams which will be supported;

- activities extracurricular in places that could learn the students about history, about antiquity;

-helping the guides in their formation as adolescents or mature people;

-to give chances like children to discover their talents, etc.

Sper că te-am ajutat