
Va rog,am nevoie rapid de o traducere in limba engleza...
Dragi prieteni as  dori sa va spun ceva . Nu e bine sa stati foarte mult timp pe internet deoarece ,creaza dependenta,va poate strica vederea,ai acces rapid la informații cu caracter negativ ,nu mai ai timp de teme si unele surse nu sunt educationale, mai bine cititi o carte sau iesiti afara cu prietenii, mergeti la biblioteca, practicati un sport de exemplu dansul, or fotbal, mergeti in mall, fa ceva doar renunta la calculator, iar daca  nu, cheama un prieten la tine si spune-i sa aduca un joc , Monopoli, Bingo, Incognito,Europolis , sau orice alt ceva renunta pur si simplu macar doua trei ore la internet.
in cocluzie;foloseste calculatorul cu cap,nu ca o modalitate de a te relaxa.

Răspuns :

Dear friends, I would like to tell you something. It's not good to spend a lot of time on the internet because it adds up to you, it can spoil your view, you have quick access to negative information, you do not have time for themes and some sources are not educational, better read a book or go out with friends, go to the library, practice a sport like dancing, football, go to the mall, do something just give up the computer, and if not, call a friend to you and tell him to bring a game, Monopoli, Bingo, Incognito, Europolis, or anything else just quit for just three hours on the Internet.
in the cocoon, use the computer with the head, not as a way to relax.

Sper ca te am ajutat

Dear friends, I want to say you something. It isn't good to stay a lot on internet, because it create addiction, it can damage your vision, you have rapid acces at informations with neggative character, you haven't many time for homework and many sources aren't educational. Better you read a book or go to a walk with your friends, go to the library, practice a sport like dance or football, go to the comercial center; just do something without your calculator. You also can call a friend and invite him to play Monopoli, Bingo, Incognito, Europolis etc., something what don't cover the internet. In conclusion, use the phone with responsability, not like a way to relax you.