
Ajutor !
Care este diferenta dintre past simple tense ( timpul trecut simplu) si past continuous tense ( timpul trecut continuu )

Răspuns :

Past simple

- states or actions that finished in the past

- form: Verb + -ed or 2nd form

-key words: ago, last week, the day before, yesterday, when, then, whenever, later, after

Se foloseste pentru actiuni incheiate in trecut.

Se formeaza simplu. la fiecare verb adaugi terminatia -ed la final. daca e verb neregulat, adica din tabel, folosesti a doua lui forma de acolo. gen "went", "ate", "drank", "was", "bought".

I went to school.

Past continuous

- action in progress at a particular moment in the past or at the time something else happens

- form: was/were + verb + -ing

- key words: while, as, all day, at the time, in those days, during, back then

Se foloseste pentru o actiune din trecut, dar care era in progres la timpul ala, cand altceva s-a intamplat. "Faceam nu stiu ce... cand "[...]" s-a intamplat".

Se formeaza cu was/were ( depinde de cine face actiunea ) + verbul cu terminatie -ing.

I was reading a book while my mom came into my room.