
31. Acoperisul are forma de piramida
32. Emiliei nu ii place sa isi taie unghiile seara.
33. El nu poate juca fotbal.
34. Girafa are un gat lung. Ea nu are urechi mari.
35. Elefantul, zebra si tigrul sunt animale salbatice.
36. Mainile tale sunt reci. Mainile noastre sunt caldute.
37. Acest anotimp este cald si secetos
38. Vara este anotimpul ei preferat.
39. In zilele de duminica, familia noastra mananca in sufrageri
40. Acel leul nu zboara. Acest leu canta.
41. Baia are doua oglinzi.
42. A cincea pisica are un cap alb si un nas negru.
43. Baia are 2 oglinzi.
44. Fermierul are doi caini, trei porci, 10 oi si un cal. El nu are
45. Ea ia sapunul, prosopul, samponul si periuta de dinti si merge la / in baie.
​Traducere in engleza

Răspuns :


31.The roof has a pyramid shape.

32.Emily doesn't like to clip her nails during the evening.

33.He can't play football.

34.The giraffe has a long neck. She doesn't have big ears.

35.The elephant, the zebra and the tiger are wild animals.

36.Your hands are cold. Ours are warm.

37.This season is hot and dry.

38.Summer is her favorite season.

39.On Sundays our family eats in the living rooms.

40.That lion doesn't fly. This lion sings.

41.The bathroom has two mirrors.

42.The fifth cat has a white head and a black nose.

43.The bathroom has 2 mirrors.

44.The farmer has teo dogs, three pigs, 10 sheep and one horse. He doesn't have(aici nu ai mai scris)

45.She takes the soap, the towel, the shampoo and the toothbrush and goes to/in the bathroom.