rezolvare completa ex 3. e urgent . dau coroana

1 - b (mustn't)
2 - e (must)
3 - d (mustn't)
4 - a (must)
5 - f (must)
6 - d (must)
1: You mustn't eat in class = Tu nu trebuie sa mananci in clasa
b: at school = in scoala (unde altundeva sunt clasele?)
2: You must put out the fires = Tu trebuie sa stingi focul
e: in the countryside - in mediul rural
3: You mustn't walk on the grass = Tu nu trebuie sa mergi pe iarba
d: in the park - in parc
4: You must clean your bedroom = Tu trebuie sa iti cureti camera
a: at home = in casa
5: You must wear a helmet when you ride your bike = Trebuie sa porti o casca cand mergi pe bicicleta
f: in the street = pe strada
6: You must feed the animals = Trebuie sa hranesti animalele
d: at the zoo = la zoo