Yesterday I was with my parents at concert. - Ieri am fost cu părinții la concert
Last Friday it was a great day for me.- vinerea trecută a fost p zi grozava pentru mine
In the past my mom was a kind kid. -In trecut mama mea a fost un copil cuminte/dragut.
She said that I was not able to make the project. -Ea a spus ca nu sunt capabil/a sa fac proiectul .
I played with this joystick.- M am jucat cu acest joystick
Nobody saw my trick. -Nimeni nu mi a vazut trucul.
The game was boring.- Jocul a fost plictisitor.
My dad was at my school past week. -Tatăl meu a fost la scoala săptămâna trecută.
He knew what was happening here.-El știa ce se întâmpla aici.
My sister was a great student.-Sora mea a fost o eleva grozava.