

Belgia este o tara foarte veche cu o combinatie fascinanta de traditii vechi si moderne.
In mod traditional, cand un cuplu belgian doreste sa-si anunte casatorie, invitatiile de nunta sunt printate pe doua foi de hartie, una din partea familiei miresei si alta din partea familiei mirelui. Aceste invitatii simbolizeaza uniunea celor familii si parteneriatul noii uniuni.
O veche traditie belgiana care este menita sa uneasca cele doua familii presupune ca mireasa sa se opreasca in timp ce paseste spre altar si sa-i ofere mamei sale un fir de floare. Cele doua se imbratiseaza. Apoi mireasa si mirele merg spre mama mirelui iar mireasa ii ofera acesteia un fir de floare si cele doua se imbratiseaza, simbolizand acceptarea miresei fata de noua "mama".
Una dintre cele mai importante si mai trainice traditii din Belgia este ca mireasa sa tina o batista special brodata care are cusut pe ea numele ei. Dupa nunta aceasta batista este inramata si atarnata pe perete la un loc de cinste. Cand urmatoarea membra a familiei miresei este gata sa se marite batista este scoasa din rama, numele noii mirese este brodat pe ea si data mai departe. Batista de nunta este data din generatie in generatie si este considerata o importanta mostenire de familie.
Pe timpul ceremoniei, mirele si mireasa sunt intronati in doua scaune mari plasate langa altar, simbolizand ca in aceasta zi in acest loc ei sunt asemenea regilor. La finalul ceremoniei mirele ii pune inelul miresei pe cel de-al treilea deget al mainii stangi.
Domnisoarele de onoare iau monede iar atunci cand mirele si mireasa ies din biserica, domnisoarele de onoare arunca cu modenele saracilor din afara bisericii. Oferirea de bani saracilor ajuta ca mirii sa fie prosperi.
Dupa nunta, mirii merg in luna de miere. In vremurile trecute, luna de miere, care era sarbatorita prin consumarea de mied - un vin din miere - tinea 28 de zile, un ciclu complet al lunii. Acest lucru se facea pentru a fi siguri ca familia miresei nu va incerca sa o rapeasca pe fiica lor inapoi de la sotul acesteia.

Răspuns :

Belgium is a very old country or a fascinating combination of old and modern traditions.

Traditionally, when a Belgian couple wants to announce their marriage, wedding invitations are printed on two sheets of paper, one from the bride's family and the other from the groom's family. These invitations also symbolize the Union of Families the partnership of the New Union.

An old Belgian tradition that is meant to unite the two families implies that the bride should stop while she passes the altar spread and give her mother for sale a fir tree. The two embrace. Then the bride and groom go spread the mother of the groom and the bride then gives her a flower bud and the famous two embrace, symbolizing the bride's acceptance of the new "mother".

One of the most important is more important and more instruction in Belgium is that the bride be a special care of the embroidery are sewn on her behalf. After this wedding the handkerchief is framed and hung on the wall at a place of honor. When the next member of the bride's family is ready to marry the handkerchief is removed from the frame, the names are not brides is embroidered on it and given further. The wedding handkerchief is a generational information in the generation and is considered or the most important of the family.

During the ceremony, the groom and the bride are enthroned in two large chairs placed altar beside, symbolizing that on this day in this place are the kings themselves. At the end of the ceremony, the bride puts the bride's ring on the third finger of her left hand.

The bridesmaids take coins and when the bride and groom leave the church, the bridesmaids throw away the poor manners outside the church. Giving money to the poor may make the bride and groom prosperous.

After the wedding, the fusion of the bride in the honeymoon. In the old days, the honeymoon was a holiday celebrated by consuming hemp - a wine from honey - 28 days, a complete cycle in the months. This is done to make sure that the bride's family will not do research or rape their daughter back from the husband to do.      Cu placere, mi-a durat ceva sa il traduc :))

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