
Formulati propozitii cu adverbele de frecventa ( always often usually sometimes rarely never) doar cu pronumele eu fara tu el ea noi voi ele si ei.

Răspuns :


Rezolvare :

-- ALWAYS --

1. I always do my bed after I wake up.

2. I always take care of myself.

-- OFTEN --

1. I get sick often.

2. I often do my homework after 4:00 PM


1. I usually meditate.

2. I usually drink coffee in the morning.


1. Sometimes I feel sad.

2. Sometimes I go out to relax .

-- RARELY --

1. I rarely drink tee.

2. I rarely take the bus.

-- NEVER --

1. I never take a decision without thinking about the outcome.

2. I never give up.
