Fill in the blanks using have got or has got.
Completaţi spaţiile libere folosind "have got" sau "has got".
1. My dad has got a new job.
Tatăl meu are un post nou.
2. My sister and her friend have got a new teacher.
Sora mea şi prietena ei au un profesor nou.
3. My neighbours have got a big house.
Vecinii mei au o casă mare.
4. My aunt and uncle have got three children.
Mătuşa şi unchiul meu au trei copii.
5. I have got a new classmate.
Eu am un nou coleg de clasă.
- conjugarea verbului "to have got" la Present Tense Simple:
I have got (sg.) / We have got (pl.)
You have got (sg.) / You have got (pl.)
He/she/it has got (sg.) / They have got (pl.)