read the rubric and underline the key words. think of a plot line for the Story. write your story

Travel to the museum
Today I will go with my friends to the Egyptian museum in Cairo. I hear they have an exhibition of ancient artifacts.
We also got there and saw the surprise of the day. TUTHANKAM'S MASK !!!. We were very happy and went to see what else was out there. The museum had 3 floors and we went to the third floor where there were very beautiful amulets. They were bright and we didn't realize when it was night and we were locked in the museum. It was almost midnight and I was a little scared because there were so many strange sounds from below. I thought it was Tuthankamon's mask. A deep sleep took us and we fell to the floor. The next day the mask had disappeared and I was taken to the police! Who will believe us?
Explicație: aici ai si povestea in romana, ca sa nu te incurci: Azi ma voi duce impreuna cu prietenii mei la muzeul egiptean din Cairo. Am auzit ca au o expozitie de artefacte antice.
Ajungem si noi acolo si am vazut surpriza zilei. MASCA LUI TUTHANKAMON!!!. Ne-am bucurat foarte mult si ne am dus sa vedem ce mai era pe acolo. Muzeul avea 3 etaje si noi ne am dus la al treilea etaj unde erau amulete foarte frumoase. Erau in stralucitoare si nu ne am dat seama cand s a facut noapte si am ramas incuiati in muzeu. Era aproape miezul noptii si imi era putin frica deoarece se auzeau multe sunete stranii de jos. In sinea mea m am gandit ca e masca lui Tuthankamon. Un somn profund ne a luat si am cazut la podea. A doua zi masca disparuse si am fost dusi la politie! Cine ne va crede?