Răspuns :
The haunted house:
Everything happened last year on halloween , while I was with my friends on Trick and Treat . We set a randevu at the museum that was 5 minutes away from my home.I had my costume on and everything prepared and so , while I was going to the museum , I saw a biiig ,very spooky house that had a sign on the front door that said ''Find the key , and you will be rewarded with LOTS and LOTS of candy'' .Of course I decided to accept the challange , and , being the little greedy devil that I am , I called my friends and told them ''Sorry guys , my mom said I can't come because I didn't finish my math homework, really sorry guys''.And , the challange begins.First , I said out loud ''PFFFFFT , I bet the key will be under the carpet next to the front door, piece of cake'' .To my disappointment , it wasn't there.. .So I started looking around the house for the hidden key. I saw a little ladybug decoration that had an arrow pointing towards a shed. I went to try and open the door , but it was locked , I thought I needed even more keys , but I realised that the window on the right side of the shed was open , without thinking , I hopped right in.The shed only had a table and a chair , and on that table there was a piece of paper that had writing on in saying ''Look up'' , I looked up and saw that there was a plank that had carved on it ''Close the window'' .I closed the window and guess what , ANOTHER PAPER PIECE . Yeah , I was getting sick of them ,anways. It had written in it ''Go back to where you started and get the shovel out of the ground''. Yeah.. it wasn't under the carpet.. it was .. it was sticked to a shovel that was stuck in the ground.I went to pull the shovel out and got the key . I finally , opened the door , and a woman with a werewolf mask on pulled a mega jumpscare on me . She was kind after that , and guess what, SHE GAVE ME AN ENTIRE PUMPKIN FILLED WITH CANDIES!!. I thanked her and went back home and I told my mom everything, and told nothing to my friends.I still feel bad to this day.. , well , not really :) .
Totul s.a petrecut in jurul halloween.ului anul trecut , cand eram cu prietenii mei la Trick or Treat . Am setat un punct de randevu la muzeul care era la 5 minute departare de casa mea .Aveam costumul pe mine si tot ce trebuie si , in timp ce mergeam spre muzeu , am vazut o casa maaare , foarte infricosatoare care avea un semn pe usa din fata care zicea ''Gaseste cheia si vei fi recompensat cu MULTE , MULTE dulciuri''Desigur ca m.am decis sa accept provocarea , si , eu fiind micutul diavol zgarcit care eram , m.am hotarat sa imi sun prietenii si sa le spun ''Scuze prieteni, mama spune ca nu pot sa vin deoarece nu mi.am terminat tema la matematica , chiar imi pare rau''.Si provocarea incepe.Prima data am zis ''PFFFT, pun pariu ca presupusa cheie o sa fie sub presul de la intrare , floare la ureche''Spre dezamagirea mea , nu era acolo.SI asa am inceput sa ma uit in jurul casei dupa cheie.Am vazut o gargarita care servea ca decoratiune , care avea o sageata spre ea , aratand spre o magazie.Am incercat sa deschid usa , dar era incuiata ,credeam ca o sa am nevoie de si mai multe chei, dar am realizat ca fereastra din partea dreapta a magaziei era deschisa asa ca n.am stat pe ganduri si am intrat direct in ea.Magazia avea doar o masa si un scaun pe ea , iar pe masa era o bucatica de hartie care avea scrisa pe ea ''Uita.te sus'' m.am uitat sus si am vazut ca pe o bucata de lemn era inscriptat urmatorul mesaj''Inchide fereastra''Am inchis fereastra si ghici ce , ALTA BUCATICA DE HARTIE .Mda. M.am saturat de ele, in fine.Era scrisa pe ea ''Du.te la inceput si scoate lopata din pamant''Da.. nu era sub pres.. era.. era lipita de o lopata care era bagata in pamant.. .Am mers sa scot lopata din ea si am luat cheia.Insfarsit , am deschis usa , si o femeie cu o masca de varcolac mi.a dat o mega sperietura.A fost de treaba dupa si ghici ce , MI.A DAT UN INTREG DOVLEAC PLIN CU DULCIURI.I.am multumit si m.am intors acasa si i.am spus mamei totul , dar nimic prietenilor .Inca ma simt prost chiar si acum , mhm , nu chiar :)
Pe asta iei 10 sigur daca o vede :)
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