
Informații despre hotelul de gheață la Bâlea din Transfăgărășan ex:despre preț, despre deschidere etc.,inencleza.Plss

Răspuns :

The access to the hotel can be confronted with the car, because it can be permanently snowed, but the most convenient or recommended way to see it here is by climbing the cable car, the care can be clear from the hotel Balea Cascada. The cost is a climb-down ticket for the cable car is 25 lei for adults, and for children it is 15 lei. It runs daily between 9am and 5pm.

First of all, you must know that, in winter, the hotel functions both as a tourist destination and as a place of accommodation. But because it has a very small number of rooms, reservations must be made in advance.

The hotel is practically an ensemble of buildings made of ice, which includes: the main building of the hotel, where there are 12 accommodation rooms, the bar and restaurant, other accommodation rooms in the form of an igloo and an ice church.

Visiting the Ice Hotel can be done daily, from 9:00 to 17:00, for a fee of 10 lei. To stay in a double room, visitors must take out 400 lei from their pocket, but if they want to stay in an igloo room, they must pay 600 lei per night.