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Iarna este anotimpul meu preferat deoarece este o admosfera frumoasa. Mie îmi mai place acest anotimp deoarece este ziua mea și Crăciunul. Iarna , natura se îmbracă într-un strat pufos de zăpadă , iar copiii se joacă veseli.
Chiar daca e frig afara , iarna este anotimpul meu preferat​

Răspuns :


Winter is my favourite season because it has a beautiful atmosphere. I also like this season because i celebrate my birthday and Christmas. During winter, nature puts on a fuzzy coat of snow, and children play happily.
Even if it's cold outside, winter is my fabourite season.


Winter is my favorite season because it is a beautiful atmosphere. I like this season because it is my day and Christmas. In winter, nature is dressed in a fluffy layer of snow, and children play cheerfully.Even though it's cold outside, winter is my favorite season.