
50 de expresii in engleza cu tot cu traducere
Dau 5 puncte si coroana primului care raspunde. Am nevoie urgent!

Va multumesc!

Răspuns :

1. Hit the road . ( Cara-te )

2. Take a five . ( Ia o pauza )

3. It's not my cup of tea . ( Nu am neaparat o preferinta pentru asta )

4 . Break a leg . ( Succes )

5 . It's a picie of cake ! ( E simplu . )

6 . It's raining cats and dogs . ( Ploua cu galeata )

7. Kill two birds with a stone . ( A face doua lucruri o data )

8. Let the cat out of the bag . ( A divulga un secret )

9 . A blessing in disguise . ( Cand ceva pare rau , dar este defapt ceva bun )

10.Better late then never . ( Mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata )

11. Don't be a stranger . ( Mai da-mi un semn )

12 . Beat around a bush . ( A evita sa spui ce crezi )

13. Call it a day . ( A te opri din lucru )

14. Cut me some slack . ( Sa nu mai fi asa critic )

15 . Cutting corners . ( Sa faci ceva superficial )

16. Getting out of hand . ( A scapa din control. )

17. Get your act together . ( Revino-ti )

18 . Hang in there . ( Nu renunta )

19 . Hit the sack . ( Du-te la culcare )

20. It's not rocket science. ( Nu e complicat )

21.Give me the the benefit of the doubt. ( Crede-ma )

22. Get it out of your system . (Renunta si mergi mai departe. )

23. Make a long story short. ( Fa-mi un rezumat )

24 . No pain no gain . ( Fara efort nu obti nimic. )

25. Pull yourself together . ( Calmeaza-te )

26 . That's the last straw . ( Mi-sa terminat rabdarea. )

27.Miss the boat . ( E prea tarziu . )

28 .So far so good . ( Pana acum totul e bine . )

29 . Let me off the hook . ( Scapa - ma de asta . )

30 . Own the ball . ( Faci o treaba buna . )

31. Time flies when youre having fun . ( Timpul trece cand te distrezi. )

32. I'm under the weather . ( Sunt bolnav . )

33. We'll cross the bridge when we come to it . ( Vom rezolva problema cand va aparea . )

34 . Your guess is as good as mine . ( Nici eu nu stiu . )

35. Don't make matters worse . ( Nu inrautati situatia . )

36 . Wrap your head around something . ( Incearca sa intelegi ceva complicat . )

37 . You can say that again . ( E adevarat . )

38. Getting bent out of shape . ( Sa te superi . )

39 . The best of both words . ( O situatie ideala . )

40 . Pull someones leg . ( Sa faci o gluma despre cineva . )

41 . Go back to the drawing board . ( Incepe din nou . )

42 . Easy does it . ( Mai usor )

43 . Bite the bullet . ( Termina ce faci pentru ca este oricum inevitabil . )

44 . A dime a dozen . ( Ceva comun . )

45. Speak of the devil . ( Vorbeam de lup . )

46. A penny for your toughts . ( La ce te gandesti ? )

47. A picture is worth a thouzand words . ( Mai bine iti arat . )

48. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush . ( Ce ai e mai valoros de ce ai putea avea mai tarziu . )

49 . Barking up the wrong tree . ( Gresesti )

50. Birds of a feather flock togethet . ( Oameni care se aseamana se aduna . )

Bonus !

51. Comparing apples to oranges . ( Compari lucruri care nu se compara . )

- Cracklez

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