
Traduceti in engleza
Sunt fericită pt ca am avut incredere in mine, m am motivat si am stiut ca pot sa fac toate lucrurile.
Chiar daca imi vinea pe moment sa zic sa renunț, ceva in mintea mea imi spunea sa nu ma las Si sa continuu ca o sa reusesc.
A fost si obositor, stres a meritat.

Răspuns :

I'm happy because I trusted myself, motivated me and knew I could do all things
Even if it came to me for a moment to say I would give up, something in my mind told me not to let go and continue to do it.
It was tedious, stress was worth it.

I am happy because I trusted myself, i motivated myself and I knew I could do everything.

Even if there were times when I wanted to give up, something in my mind kept telling me to go on. And I will keep it that way, I know I will succeed.

It was tiring, stressful, but it was worth it.