
Here is a text on the Battle of Hastings. Use time clues (also rendered by means of tenses) to order the events. Read the resulting text to the class.

A. It was a risk, but it worked.
B. Disobeying Harold's orders, the English army broke loose and ran down the hill where they were attacked by the Normans.
C. The armies of Harold of England and Duke William of Normandy finally faced each other on October 14, 1066, a few kilometres from Hastings.
D. The last of the Saxon kings was dead - William the Conqueror - was now King of Norman England.
E. Yet the Normans were unable to break through the English defence line; in all, William had had three horses killed under him.
F. William's army was about equal in number, but he had many archers and the famous Norman knights who fought on horseback.
G. Harold had no archers and no cavalry, and no one from the north or west had joined his army.
H. So he, finally, decided upon a trick - he told his men to feign flight, as though they had lost the battle.
I. It i said that one of the arrows pierced the right eye of Harold, killing him.