
Vreau urgent o compunere în engleză despre furtună sau uragan una dintre ele si tradusă în română va rog

Răspuns :

La rascrucea Vreme Rea traiau candva un mos cu sotia lui ca suferea de reumatism.De fiecare data cand venea furtuna pe batrana o durea spatele si in mod special un deget de la picior pe care-l simtea strapuns de zeci de ace.Batrana ii spune mosului ca nu mai poate de durere si ca nu o ajuta nici un leac.Mosul ii spune ca ar ajuta-o o raza de soare,dar acolo nu mai era de foarte mult timp soare.Timpul trecea si batrana se simtea din ce in ce mai rau pana cand intr-o zi batrana a inceput sa topaie intr-un picior prin casa de dureri.Mosul spune ca se apropie o furtuna mare pentru ca degetul anunta cand vine prapadul.Imediat dupa ce a terminat mosul tot ce a avut de zis se auzi niste batai in usa.E un vant foarte puternic inc stinsese si focul care ardea in vatra.Batrana a intrebat cine este acolo dar nimeni nu i-a raspuns.Cand a mers sa deschida us a vazut un mic uragan nemancat de trei zile, ud leoarca si cu un chip necajit.Batrana l-a invitat in casa .Mosul si batrana s-au hotarat sa il adopte.Batrana a intrebat ce nume sa ii dea iar mosul aspus Katrina sau Lucy ca in America dar s-a gandit mai bine si i -a pus numele Fane ca varul batranei cel bogat ca poate va avea noroc ca el,iar de atunci Fane a ramas.

Textul Necazurile unui uragan de treaba dupa Adina Popescu

At the time of the bad weather, an old man was living with his wife who was suffering from rheumatism. Every time the storm came on the old man his back was hurt and especially a toe that he felt pierced by dozens of needles. he tells his husband that he can no longer have pain and that no cure can help him. He tells her that it would help her with a sunbeam, but there was no sun for a long time. The time passed and the old man felt more and more what is worse until one day the old man started to melt in one foot through the house of pain. He says that a great storm is approaching because the finger announces when the ancestor comes. Immediately after finishing the meal all he had to do he said there was a knock on the door. It was a very strong wind that had extinguished and the fire was burning in the hearth. The old man asked who is there but no one answered him. The old lady invited him into the house. He and the old woman decided to add him. opte.Batrana asked what name to give her and her father aspired to Katrina or Lucy as in America, but she thought better and gave her the name Fane as the cousin of the rich old man who may be lucky like him, and since then Fane has remained .