
Avem nevoie de carne tocată,orez,varză murata, sare si condimente. Punem carnea într-un bol, adăugăm orezul, condimentele si sarea. Amestecam cu o lingura, dupa care invelim compozitia in varză. Așezăm totul in oală si lăsăm sa fiarbă.

Avem nevoie de cartofi, ceapă,măsline maioneza si sare. Spalam cartofi, ii curatam de coaja, iar apoi ii fierbem in oală. După ce au fiert îi punem pe un tăietor(fund) si îi tăiem în bucăți mici. Curatam ceapa de coajă, o spalam si o tăiem in bucăți mici. Amestecam cartofi si ceapa dupa care adaugam maioneza si sarea.
De tradus in engleza tot!!! Va rog!! ​

Răspuns :

We need minced meat, rice, pickled cabbage, salt and condiments. We put the meat into a bowl, add the rice, the condiments and the salt. We stir with a spoon, then we roll the mix into a cabbage leaf. We place them in a pot and let it boil.

We need potatoes, onion, olives, mayonnaise and salt. We wash the potatoes, peel them and then we boil them in a pot. After they boiled we put them on a cutter and cut them in small pieces.

We peel the onion, wash it then cut it in small pieces as well. We stir the potatoes and the onion then add the mayonnaise and the salt.

We bare minced meat, rice, cabbage, salt and spices. Put the meat in a bowl, add the rice, spices and salt. Mix with a spoon, then wrap the cabbage composition. Put everything in the pot and let it boil.

We need potatoes, onions, olives, mayonnaise and salt. We wash the potatoes, clean the shell, and then boil them in the pot. After boiling, we put a cutter and cut a them into small pieces. Clean the onion, wash it and cut into small pieces. Mix the potatoes and onion and add the mayonnaise and salt.

( sper că te-am ajutat, mult succes !!!! )